Red tilapia in market |
1. Tilapia is kinds of tropical fish
Tilapia is tropical fish that can't life in temperate region. So that it common in Asia and Africa but rather rare in other region. Tilapia can be farming in temperate region with special treatment like maintain water temperature in winter. In United States tilapia be farming in the area of power plant, because the area have waste as high temperature that be aplied to warming water body.
2. Male tilapia grows faster than female
It is like a mithical story, but is true that male tilapia grows faster than female. So many farmer make treatment with testosterone hormone to make the female tilapia become male. Farmer mix the food with hormone that can change female tilapia larvae become male. The treatment take more money, but the result is male tilapia that grows 50% faster than female.
3. Tilapia is omnivorous fish
Due to it is omnivorous fish, tilapia will eat animal and plant. The farmer usually give their tilapia with artificial fish food. To decrease the cost, farmer can give the tilapia some moss or some soft leaves that can be consumed by the fish.
4. Tilapia have high non saturated fatty acid content
Non saturated fatty acid is kinds of nutrition that needed by our body to stay health. Non saturated faaty acid like Omega 3 and DHA needed by child to grows their brain maximaly. The scientist tell that the Omega 3 and DHA will make your children intelligent.
5. "Mud taste" in tilapia
Some tilapia that live in dirty water will have "mud taste" if be eaten. The phenomena happen because the water it lives is have higher concentration of cyanobacteria that produse geosamin and 2-metilisoborneol. If the fish live in good conditon, "mud taste" will not appear. The mud taste in tilapia make the fish have cheaper price in the market because people don't like it.
That is some facts about tilapia, hope its usefull for you.
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